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Country=USA Irvin Kershner Story=Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia and Chewbacca face attack by the Imperial forces and its AT-AT walkers on the ice planet Hoth. While Han and Leia escape in the Millennium Falcon, Luke travels to Dagobah in search of Yoda. Only with the Jedi Master's help will Luke survive when the Dark Side of the Force beckons him into the ultimate duel with Darth Vader scores=1073730 votes Lawrence Kasdan Actors=Harrison Ford


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Put subtitles on when the Emperor says, There is a great disturbance in the Force. XD (It subtitles say, Danny's great this the Germans in the homes. #TheEmperorHasSpoken. In a 'post-classical' era, films are often quite simplistic - they are driven by high-concepts and childish premises; experiencing them is fragmented by tie-in merchandising and the like. They concentrate on action too much, substituting character psychology. Or so the argument goes in Bordwell & Thompson's 2006 book "Film Art. whether or not you agree with any of this, there is no questioning Star Wars' role in facilitating it.
"The Empire Strikes Back" was the first sequel to the hugely successful 1977 blockbuster "A New Hope. picking up where the other left off but, strangely, not really feeling like it does an awful lot to advance what we witnessed other than put its protagonist through a training regime and have his friends chased around space by some villains for 90 minutes. How far have things REALLY been advanced by the time this 1980 effort has finished, beyond a quaint love story and a jarring familial revelation?
The film's opening act takes place on a barren, wintry planet called Hoth. Following the destruction of the Death Star at the end of Episode 4, a weapon capable of destroying a single planet in one foul strike, a military group known as 'the Rebels' retreat in the wake of an Empirical counter-attack, which involves despatching robotic probes to various parts of the galaxy to scout the potential positions. What everyone is fighting for, we still don't know. Later on, during a conversation about mineral mining in a visually impressive city built into the sky, it is inferred the fighting is to do with control of natural resources.
When we first see the series' hero, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) on the surface of Hoth in a blizzard, he looks a little like an alien in his arctic gear complete with goggles and mouth-scarf - you might say he bears a passing resemblance to the film's villain, Darth Vader, whose jet-black helmet covers his entire face and gives him a similar un-human quality. Skywalker unfurls his coverings, looking far more grizzled than in the first film. We are then lulled into a false sense of security when ally Han Solo (Harrison Ford) confirms over a radio that the 'sensors' are in place. Job done, we conclude - but Luke is ambushed by a snow monster and dragged off to its cave.
Not returning, and with Solo out there looking for him, the base takes the decision to close the main doors as the dark creeps in and the perishing cold become overwhelming. Cleverly, director Irvin Kershner focuses on the pained expression of Princes Leia (Carrie Fisher) as they shut - whose fate does she fear for the most? Luke's escape from the Yeti provides us with a tantalising early look at the power of the lightsaber, which takes the monster's arm clean off - an important detail for a later duel. But why does Luke then LEAVE the safety of the cave as the storm rages? Why did the film have him caught in the first place? Half-dying in the snow, he has a vision of dead friend Obi-wan (Alec Guinness) who tells him to seek "Yoda" on another planet so that he may complete Jedi training, but we know that Obi-wan can appear at any time to tell him this - Luke doesn't need to be on his last legs and think he's hallucinating.
Eventually, one of those enemy probes passes by the base, but the Rebels mysteriously attack it when the plan was to maintain invisibility - why not just let it pass? Cover blown, the Empire attack - but are the Rebels evacuating the base or defending it? We're not sure. Irrespectively, the act ends when the Hoth fight ends - Solo; Leia; Chewbacca and a friendly robot named C3PO leave on Solo's ship whereas Skywalker departs to find Yoda with R2D2.
From here, the film cuts into two halves: Luke's strand is slow, methodical and contemplative as he spends time on a jungle planet with a small green alien learning how to perfect abilities in 'the force' whereas Solo and the gang endure a more causality driven experience as Vader's ship pursues them through asteroid belts; the stomachs of giant worms and cities built into the clouds.
What becomes curious about the film at this stage is that the antagonist, Vader, makes a conscious decision to pursue Skywalker not to kill him, but capture him so that they may join together as villains. In addition to this, an entire passage of the film beds said protagonist down in one place so that he may learn about patience; concentration and being contemplative - hardly things associated with 'post-classical' cinema. By today's standards, this is positively blockbuster revisionism. But surely there is a hole in Skywalker's training: is he not working towards wrecking a revenge on Vader? Isn't this contrary to the force's teachings?
Solo's strand is more simplistic, more familiar to this post-Star Wars era blockbuster school: the bad-guys are chasing the good-guys; there is a meagre romance between Solo and Leia - royalty mingling with common-folk. Amusingly, Kershner uses a recurring gag to do with Solo's ship's power-thrust mechanic failing to roar into action when he needs it, and we grin at the metaphor. Strikingly, very little of any real interest happens on this strand which seems present to keep people amused as the other stuff plays out.
I read and hear of people remarking how much 'darker' the film's tone is, and so it is better than IV, but I would disagree. Tonally, the films seem quite similar - certainly, the characters here are in hairier situations, but so what? It ends on more of a downbeat note, for Skywalker; Solo and even Vader, but does so in order to tee up the next film, not because its ending is in line with any kind of thematic it's exploring. How is one to conclude now, almost 40 years on from the changing of the cinematic guard? Empire. is functional, but perhaps undeserved of its status.

One of the best ever DC movies (And definitely the best joker. Somebody is getting force-choked before the day is over -random imperial officer. Fun fact, some characters in the Star Wars univers ALSO call them atats. It's interchangeable. AT-AT, atat, good detail. I love the sound that one AT-AT made when it fell on its side after its head (the cockpit) blew up. Anyone else sense Vader's extreme annoyance with his commanding officers by the tone of his voice at the beginning? I liked how he said Noooooo Captain. You know deep down he's very very close to force choking all of them to death.

PG-13 tho Joker did not only put a pencil in someones eye socket but he blew up a friggin hospital. Well time to watch :3. 4:59 I'm sorry WHAT? How did he predict that so perfectly 😂. The grace, the sophistication, the darkness, the comedy, the baldness and the psychology of George Lucas' epic saga Act 2, the Empire Strikes Back is truly, truly phenomenal; this is a sequel of the highest order, coming close second to Coppola's Godfather Part 2.
The universe of Star Wars is wrapped, and the characters are more than ready to develop as the actors are comfortably settling their parts. And the emotional intensity starts off early with Luke being separated from his allies through to the very end were they're still separated by war. John Williams' breathtaking score sounds like a Wagner opera: dark and epic, Darth Vader never appears as frightening as he does here - and few movies throughout cinema history has dived so brilliantly into the psych of good and evil as Lucas did here. The Jedi-philosophy challenges Luke as he must fight the urges of anger and emotion to find the true path - and in the series' most complex scene we see Luke descending into a metaphorical nightmare in which he confronts Vader, decapitates him before revealing that he sees his own face beneath the mask - this is dark stuff. Nothing in the Star Wars-canon betters this.

What I love about the Emperor is how deliciously EVIL he is. He is the Ultimate Villain, and he KNOWS it. That one word I always found curious that exists in the SW universe. Han: Then I'll see you in (hell) HMM. So according to an interview with J.W. Rinzler, that's actually Hayden Christiensen in Vader's Episode 3 suit here reprising the scene with the emperor as well, is that true. Cinema gold and John Williams music score. Can`t be better than that. About a year ago I had a friend who's around 35 years old watch the original star wars movies for the first time. Somehow he has never heard any spoilers or remembered and was completely shocked about Darth Vader being Luke's father.

And now that I say that out loud I realize she may be a serial killer. I wonder if any of the Storm Troopers were like: Why is our boss laughing like an evil witch? at 1:43. This is part of the history of the cinema. While it may not appeal to modern audiences and make young viewers laugh at the effects - or lack thereof, it is a classic film. Just make sure before you rent or buy that you understand it is a narration of suspense, not action. And do pay attention to the music - it plays an important role here.

I love that Ion canon, the most underrated high powered gun ever. This movie has some of the best lines in film history. Heath Ledger, Mark Hamill, Joaquin Phoenix and Jack Nicholson are the best jokers ever. I love how calm the joker is like almost every question they ask him hes like ya no shit dumbass and hes giving good points too and I would love to play among us with joker like hed be good at everything like he could sniff someone out easily and he could kill in the first round and win in the first round.

Very nice movie.





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